
Kutch Tutorial

I used three strands of embroidery thread for Kutch work. Two strands will also work well.

Step - 1
This is the simplest form of kutch work. Trace this design on to your fabric. Do not draw the squares very big.

Step - 2
Begin by creating a grid. Bring the needle up at box 1 and pinch a tiny bit of fabric away from the center as shown.

Step - 3
Work your way to box 2. Note that the thread is passed under to go to box 3.

Step - 4
Finish box 3 and box 4. Note carefully where the threads are passed under and over.
You finish the grid near the point where you started. Pass the thread under to finish.

Step - 5
Now we move on to interlacing. Bring the needle up at the centre of the grid.

Step - 6
Again, work you way to box 2. Interlacing is all about going up or down so that you lock the threads and not let it slip.

Step - 7
Here the needle is going through the tiny loop you created earlier by pinching the fabric.

Step - 8

If done right, box 2 should look like this. Move on to box 3.

Step - 9
You will finish box 3, 4 and then come back to finish 1.

All done!!!


HĨiStarih said...

Thank you so much for this tutorial! It was really helpful :)

SARAVI said...